Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome: the MorningBlagel and Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf strode across English shires shouting out paragraphs she’d not yet written.
She made her nephews and nieces remember what sort of a sun peeked through their window and woke them up in the morning. Was it an angry sun? no? Well, was it pernicious or comical?
Virginia Woolf wrote standing up.
What does an omni-sexual young woman plus time equal?
An omni-sexual old woman.
She created a new form of literature. Stream of Consciousness.  
Are Blogs the inheritance of Virginia Woolf? 
A political science professor told his class to defend whatever you read from yourself.
I feel cheated when I read her. She had more for us than she gave. She could have served a little less 'carzy' with all that 'genius' she dished out.
Another professor said to argue with the author like you were arguing with an old friend.
I don’t think we’d be friends. 
World War Two wounded her, and she felt her mind bleeding away into mad oblivion. With a rock in the pocket of her largest winter coat, Virginia Woolf proved to her family and country that what she was –she wasn’t.
She was known to be an excellent swimmer.  
Hey! how do you argue with and insane friend?
Britain doesn’t really like teaching Virginia Woolf. America loves to teach her.
I'm not sure I would like to teach her, but how can you not?  She and her blooming buddies established so much of modernity.
I guess that answers that: but I shouldn't teach from either the heroine or the victim perspective the critical cannon seems paralyzed between.
No, her character is far to much an Oedipus Tyrannos tragedy for either side.

Welcome to the Morning Blagel! –a webpage filled with personal, cultural, and spiritual contemplations. The Morning Blagel is written the old fashioned way (pen and paper) during the early hours of the day at a local bagel shop. Its whole-grained purpose is to be the bagel of the Blog world, heavy on fiber, carbohydrates, and topped with protein.
Did you know eating one bagel is the same as eating five servings of some other bread?
Just like a bagel, the Blagel will be cut in two unequal slices and disproportionately slathered with cream cheese.
The method is exampled in today’s post.
Topics will vary from day to day or week to week, but the underlying theme will hold steady: knowing God, understanding man, and dominating the world. To that end, I hope you find the Blog spiritually edifying, culturally enlightening, and useful in you own quest for world domination.

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